I’m single, what if I meet the right person whilst a foster carer?

I'm Single, What If I Meet the Right Person While Being a Foster Carer in London?

Kerry, a London-based foster carer, shares her experience of fostering for over 15 years as a single parent. After her marriage ended, she hadn't been particularly interested in finding a new partner. However, as often happens, she met Ian when she least expected it.

Kerry's story is not unique. At Greater London Fostering, we welcome foster carers from diverse backgrounds and family compositions. Fostering is not limited to one stereotypical family type. However, it's essential to involve the entire family in the approval process, as fostering a child impacts everyone connected to you.

This requirement extends beyond those living in your household or immediate family members. Your wider family, who may provide support, babysitting services, or engage in activities with the foster child, also need to undergo background checks. Though not as extensive as the carer's, these checks are still necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of the children in your care.

When introducing a new partner to your foster children, they too must have a background check before spending time with the kids or staying overnight at your home. The process may take some time, so you may need to be patient and prepared to wait.

Kerry understands the importance of providing stability to her foster children, as many of them have experienced numerous adults coming in and out of their lives. Although the legal requirement for Ian's background check was essential, their primary concern was to find the best way to introduce Ian to Kerry's foster children.

Greater London Fostering offers advice and support on introducing new family members to foster children, in addition to guiding you through the legal approval process. Ian has now become an integral part of the children's lives, providing additional support and care that enhances Kerry's fostering experience. Exercising patience has proven to be the right decision for both the couple and the children.

To learn more about fostering in London and the different types of fostering available, check out our fostering guide and discover how much foster carers get paid in the area.

Download Our Guide To Fostering

We've create a free PDF guide to fostering, to help you understand a bit more about foster care, and the process of applying.

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