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If I Foster, Will I Always Have a Placement?

3 foster carers

If I Foster, Will I Always Have a Placement? Fostering a child is a rewarding and life-changing experience. Many prospective foster carers often wonder, “If I foster, will I always have a placement?” The answer to this question isn’t always straightforward, but in this article, we will discuss how fostering agencies like Greater London Fostering […]

Should I transfer fostering agency?

Should I Transfer Fostering Agencies? When it comes to fostering, one of the most important decisions foster carers face is choosing the right fostering agency. However, there may come a time when you might feel the need to transfer to a different agency due to various reasons. Before making that decision, let's explore the factors […]


We strive everyday to do the best possible job we can, but we know that we don’t always get it right.  We want to hear feedback as we think it makes us better, even if sometimes if difficult to hear. The below form allows you to make and complaint or provide feedback directly to our […]

A Day in the Life of a Fostering Placements Officer

A fostering placements officer plays an essential role in the world of foster care, working diligently to ensure children and young people have the best possible experience. From working closely with foster carers to collaborating with local authorities, each day presents a unique set of challenges those officers must overcome. This post will take you […]


Westminster needs you To Foster With GLF, London’s Fostering Agency We deeply empathize with the unfortunate reality that children often can’t live with their birth families and require foster care. However, since this becomes necessary, it is our responsibility to ensure they are placed in the most suitable homes. Can we count on your support […]


Merton needs you To become a foster carer We deeply regret the necessity for children to be unable to live with their birth families, thereby requiring foster carers. Nevertheless, as this is the case, we are committed to identifying the best possible homes for them. Would you be willing to offer your assistance? Currently, Merton […]

Kingston Upon Thames

Foster in Kingston Upon Thames Become a GLF Carer We empathise with the unfortunate reality where some children cannot live with their birth families, requiring the support of foster carers. However, given this situation, we prioritize finding the best possible homes for them. Can you lend a hand in helping us achieve this crucial goal? […]


Islington Fostering New foster carers needed It’s unfortunate that children can’t live with their biological families and require foster care. However, it’s crucial to find them the best possible homes. Can you lend a hand in giving these kids a brighter future? Are you considering becoming a foster carer in the Islington area?  At GLF, […]


Foster In Hounslow With Greater London Fostering We regret that some kids can’t live with their birth families and must rely on foster care. However, it reinforces our duty to find them the best homes possible. Would you lend us your helping hand? Are you interested in fostering a child in Bromley or any other […]


Harrow needs you Becoming a foster carer involves opening one’s heart and home to children or young people who need a safe and nurturing environment. It’s a chance to make a profound difference in someone’s life, providing them with love, support, and stability when they need it most. It can be a challenging yet incredibly […]